Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

What is your writing environment like

Depends! Ultimately, I work best when I'm not at home; this is why I like to go out to cafes and such to write. I pop my headphones in, and I'm not distracted by TV, the internet, etc. If I'm home, I prefer to type at my desk because I like my keyboard but lately I've had to swap to the couch a lot and use my laptop, because my chair is currently broken. My new one comes in tomorrow though, so hopefully that'll make being at my desk a little better.

If I'm just slapping out words and such, I'll usually watch something in the background. If I'm editing, I'll listen to music. If I really need to focus, I tend to stream because that really keeps me on target!

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