Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

what has been your favorite platonic fic that you have written so far (published or a wip)?

MAN it's really hard for me to pick just one, you know? I have handfuls that I like the best, and all for different reasons. But if I had to narrow it down, some of my faves are 'Dear Madame Ping' (Genshin), ''Lil Sprout' (Pokemon), 'Here Lies Father Sky' (Fire Emblem 7), 'Bright is the Spark that Burns (Genshin), and then two unpublished things: 'Dreamers' (Genshin) and 'Elegy of Death (HSR).

I could list more but it's really just like... the more that you write, or the more things you have to pick from, the harder it is to narrow down, ahaha.

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