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Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Do you have any nsfw headcanons for them?

Sorry for the late reply- I have a few! I think they're both very physical people, so they do get down to business quite a lot after turning their relationship sexual for the first time. They have a lot of chemistry and understand each other pretty well. Won't wait to get home if they're both horny so they're guilty of doing it in public spaces sometimes lol

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

NSFW itakugi content is so rare that it’s always a treat when I actually see it

Itakugi content IN GENERAL is rare 😭 but yessss, it's always such a treat. They give me vibes that they'd be the type that can't keep their hands off each other

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

"Yeah???? Are you going to keep asking questions related to this lol what is the purpose of this" I was just curious about your line of thoughts lol Just that

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

but gojo considers nanami his friend, no?

Yeah???? Are you going to keep asking questions related to this lol what is the purpose of this

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Well, based on Nanami talking about his dislike of Gojo more often and more openly than Utahime does, I said he probably dislikes him more, but maybe they dislike him equally or Utahime could dislike him more, that's also very possible.

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Since when does Nanami hate Gojo?

If this is related to what I tweeted, I never said Nanami hates Gojo, but he definitely dislikes him as much, hell, probably more than Utahime does. He has made it very clear he doesn't respect Gojo, and even considers him to be selfish and egocentric, so.

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Honestly, what I'm seeing the most is a lot of discourse which I dislike lol, I feel like it's drawing the wrong kind of attention. But sure, it's cool that more ppl are getting into it, I hope it translates into more fan content. Talking about fan content, whatever fic I write I will definitely post it on Twitter.

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

I'm always surprised how Nobara barely gets shipped with anyone outside of Maki. She has such a good design and there are so many characters to play around with but the JJK fandom just has no interest in her. I'd say misogyny but Sakura from Naruto was hated even more and she still got shipped with literally every character in that series. Just don't get it

Sorry I hadn't replied to this! I'm honestly not surprised, even before getting into the fandom I figured JJK fandom was going to be very MLM centric 🤷🏽‍♀️ it's less about Nobara herself and more about not wanting to ship the boys with the girls tbh

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

That is...a very long question. Well, multiple questions, and for a lot of them I honestly don't know. JK is pretty unpredictable and I can't tell which path the author will take, we'll have to wait and see. About Nobara, I think I have said this before, I'm not expecting to see her in any fight scenes, we'll be lucky if her state gets addressed at the end. I'm not expecting anything anymore.

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

bro, I want to ask a little question, what do you think about Megumi and Nobara's relationship? Do you think the two of them are more suited to being brothers or just ordinary friends? And do you think Megumi knows about Nobara's current condition after the Shibuya incident? Maybe it's Sukuna who That evil can find out information from Megumi's memories. What do you imagine if Nobara comes back and helps Yuji return Megumi? Will they succeed or something else?

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

Hey how are you ?
Do you think mfs like inumaki panda the witch girl will do anything significant

Hi, I'm ok, thanks for asking

And, well, anything's possible in JJK but I seriously doubt they will do anything relevant. They're too weak to fight at the power level we're at.

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

Can I ask, how do you feel when writing Itakugi fanfic, do you sometimes feel down when you suddenly remember that the bitter reality of Itakugi's relationship in manga and anime is ambiguous and sad, do you have a glimmer of hope that Nobara will come back and help Yuji to fights Sukuna together like when they fought the two Choso brothers?

I will never forgive Gege for killing off Nobara lol she's one of my favorite characters, so I do feel bad sometimes when I'm writing her and remember that we aren't getting any new scenes of her. I'm gonna be real with you, I don't think she's coming back for any fighting. Most we can hope for at this point is for her to appear at the end of the series, healed from the injuries sustained in Shibuya. Last time we saw her she was too weak, at that level there's very little she could do to help.

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

Itakugi is so underrated, surprised it’s not that popular considering how much chemistry they have

Super underrated, but it doesn't surprise me. I think fandom really discourages shipping them by making up dumb excuses (like saying they're "sibling coded" lol) and in general shipping the main guy and the main girl in Shounen is considered uncool and overdone now. F/M ships with a platonic base aren't popular on Twitter

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

Did mel leave twitter

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

Can I ask, how long have you been an Itakugi shipper, but do you have any other fantasies about a Kugisaki ship with anyone else like Kugisaki x Megumi or Kugisaki x Sukuna? What do you think about the Gojohime Ship which is ranked the 6th most popular couple in Japan that you like?

I don't know exactly, but I do know I didn't like the ship at first, it grew on me with time basically. I don't think I ship Nobara with anyone else lol I'm too deep in the Itakugi brainrot, the other ships don't interest me much. I used to like gjhm but as time went on I became more and more detached, rn I'd say I'm pretty much neutral about it.

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