Anonymous Coward · 8mo

bro, I want to ask a little question, what do you think about Megumi and Nobara's relationship? Do you think the two of them are more suited to being brothers or just ordinary friends? And do you think Megumi knows about Nobara's current condition after the Shibuya incident? Maybe it's Sukuna who That evil can find out information from Megumi's memories. What do you imagine if Nobara comes back and helps Yuji return Megumi? Will they succeed or something else?

I think they're besties, I feel like they get along pretty well and are comfortable around each other. I really like their friendship. And Megumi should know about her condition, it is implied he does when Yuji asks about it. And despite how much I love Nobara, I don't see her joining any fight, sorry 🥲 it has been way too long, no one even mentions her anymore, she was not involved in their planning to take down Sukuna. I know people have some theories about her resonance doing something but I believe that if Gege had something like that planned, we would have hints about it. Honestly, I'm starting to accept she's most likely dead. I just want closure at this point.

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