Inquiring inquirer · 3mo

What is your least favorite YYH Arc?,and Should YYH get a remake anime with better graphics?

Sexy question indeed. Now, LEAST? I guess I'm in the expected pit of not being a fan of the end half of CB and that final arc, but I have sympathy for Togashi just wanting it OVER with because it was stressing him out badly to continue YYH at that point and he didn't know what to do anymore.

To your second question... No, actually! I guess if one couldn't tell from what I try to adapt into my style in fanart, I much prefer the ink and cel look to older anime and the depth of simplicity - I find a lot of newer stuff to be overglossed and trying too hard to show off (chill with the nonstop camera spinning I'm old?!) to hold people's hypebeast attention for what little pay the animators get. If anything I'd rather go back in time and have the old anime be a little more accurate to the manga... Poor Atsuko.

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