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J. · 14 answers · 3mo

Is it better to have had a good thing and lost it, or never to have had it?

I prefer the first one. But not gonna lie, there are some moments I just wish I never experienced them on the first place.

bienc · 17 answers · 2mo

Do you prefer debating or just letting things flow?

bienc · 14 answers · 2mo

What habit are you trying to break these days?

Sweet Summer Child · 2mo

Are you close with someone right now?

Anna. · 22 answers · 2mo

Tell me something that will immediately ruin your day?

Anna. · 23 answers · 2mo

Do you trust people easily?

Not at all. Showing up my vulnerable side, especially to someone I don’t know well, is difficult for me. I tend to observe and make my own judgement first. And once I count them as a person I can trust, I’m totally an open book.

Ava Chen · 5 answers · 2mo

Are there any songs you would recommend?

Sweet Summer Child · 3mo

hello, gigi. sorry for bothering, i just wonder do you know where jeff {backinbloods} is? is he no longet using his account?

beauthny · 3 answers · 3mo

Tell me a piece or a thing who never goes wrong for brighten up your day.

Sweet Summer Child · 3mo

Kalau mau deketin kamu harus pake cara apa ya, Gi?

Sweet Summer Child · 3mo

Before I make my way to you, I am wondering if you’ve set your eyes on someone?

Sweet Summer Child · 3mo

Sounds like work put you through the wringer yesterday. Missy, you deserve some TLC! Maybe a warm shower, delicious meal, good music, or whatever helps you unwind. I'm afraid, we're all professional clowns here. Today's pretty decent on my side, I visited my family and ate good food. I wish today treated you gently though. Anyways. Do you watch anything lately? If you do, tell me about it!

Hello there, anon. How’s life been treating you for the last six days? I hope everything runs well on your behalf. Worry less; these days I take good care of myself. Well.. I haven’t watched anything lately. I just keep rewatching my comfort series, Gilmore Girls. Do you have any comfort movies/series?

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