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J. · 15 answers · 10mo

Is it better to have had a good thing and lost it, or never to have had it?

I used to think good things were better to own before you lost them because you got the taste of them. But now that I have experienced them, they are better than when you have never had them.

The first one. At least I know it's a good thing even though I need to lost it later rather than asking myself why I didn't have it in the first place and making me regret.

I prefer the first one. But not gonna lie, there are some moments I just wish I never experienced them on the first place.

Opsi kedua, lebih baik gak usah punya sekalian daripada harus ngerasain sedihnya kehilangan :(

It's a difficult question, but I believe I'd prefer to experience something good and then lose it. After all, nothing lasts forever in this world, right? We should always be grateful and never take for granted what we have before it's gone.

It's definitely better to have had the good thing and lost it. I mean, that's life.

With the good bad and the ugly it is better to experience all these things than nothing at all.

Had a good thing and lost it. It's the experience and the memories that I treasure the most

My head would pick the latter one, but my heart chose the other way around. I'm in dilemma for it, but I guess never to have had it. The first one would wreck me down and I'm a chicken for another heartbreak.

to have a good thing and lose it. at least i do know how it feels when i still have the thing.

The first one, because at least I've felt what it's like to have that good thing even though I had to lose it in the end.

To have and to lose, the bittersweet feelings might going to linger but at least there are memories to remember and to tell.

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