Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 1y

Hi, Kakak! I’d like to ask you something, may I? puppy eyes Umm... I know Kakak udah beberapa kali answered about this, but I’m still curious. So please lemme ask you again, with a little bit more details. If you don’t set your eyes on someone currently, then... Do you have plans for it? And, how... Howtoattractyourattention—I mean, what’s your type? HAA, GITU DEEEEH. Sekian, terima kasih. Have a great day, Kakak :[

Hi there! Sure, you can ask me any kind of question. Well.. I can’t say that I don’t have plans, I do, but I just haven’t found the right person yet, and not really searching for it too atm.

And as for my type, I’m quite confused to give you a proper answer since I don’t really have specific type in mind, I guess as long they can make me feel comfortable, it’s enough. I hope it answer your question, and may you have a great day too, Anon.

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