
angai sonna FUTURE...

The Melty Land
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Waf · 6mo

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hi Im waffle hi hello hi I just wanted to do thiss ermmmmm

I have some rules for my profile that I hope you see/follow but uh you dont have to-
-Please dont fight with me, I just dont want to fight with anybody
-I might not answer your questions if I dont understand them or they just make me feel weird
-please excuse my horrible grammar this isnt really a rule but I actually just suck at english
-and uh please be honest when answering any of my questions

I also spam sometimes im really sorry about it, if you dont like me than just tell me and I'll leave you alone in anyway I can
Also little warning I have little to no idea on how to use retrospring

Kaai Yuki · 3mo

HI ITS AKKO HERE UMMM you genuinely make me so happy I JUST ADORE YOU TO BITS!! /p You brighten my days so much and even just talking to you makes me really happy, its always interesting talking to you!! I appreciate you so much and wjsjsjsksk I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOUUUU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU WAFFLEEE /P YOUR SUCH AN AWESOME FRIEND!!!!!!!!!

roman 🍉 · 4 answers · 3mo

yknow im glad confessions accs are banned here

ren · 1 answer · 3mo

I DIDNT END UP IN A WHEELCHAIR im still limping but :P

ren · 2 answers · 3mo


Im at the hospital

I might end up in a wheelchair for muscle fracturation on my left foot

Ill update you guys in 2-3h

Kaai Yuki · 3mo

What is your favourite season?

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