Merida · 11 answers · 3y

What's the longest time you've been without taking a shit? ☺

Weeks. It was horrible. I was on a research trip in a different country and was too shy to poo with my roomie around. I finally got comfortable enough around her but by this time the poo did not want to leave the house. So I called home crying to my father asking for advice (he’s a constipation expert) and he recommended a long walk to juggle the shit. So in the middle of the night me and my roommate went for a really long walk... until I felt something stirring. We rushed home, she went over to a friend’s apartment in the same building, and I began the pushing. Poo was trying to prairy dog... and I realized that in order to get that hard nugget out I could NOT stop pushing even for a second- at least until it was out. So I gritted my teeth, and got down to pushing. After what felt like forever, a large Boulder finally made its exit, after which the rest slithered out with no effort. For the rest of the trip, I made pooping my priority.

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