Arman · 14 answers · 3y

Do you look approachable?

Yes. Especially for children and adults with special needs. I used to work at a Boys and girls club, and there was a girl there with special needs. She did not interact with anyone, and was always acting out. But when I was hired, she and I immediately bonded. She was my shadow and turned out she just needed a friend. She was so gentle and loving. I miss her, I wonder what she’s up to nowadays. It’s been like 20 years yikes. There was also that one time at the gym. I noticed a gentleman (with special needs) staring me down. It was kind of uncomfortable but I pretended not to notice and continued on my stationary bike. My friend happened to come to the gym and upon seeing me came over to give me a hug. This was the gentleman’s cue!! He got off his treadmill and ran to me and gave me a hug. It was kind of scary 😦. But this always happens to me. I must be putting out extremely non threatening vibes.

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