Merida · 6 answers · 3y

Does past always come back?

Ugh seems like it. True story... in high school I told someone I had a crush on him via AIM. He of course didn’t feel the same way since all he said was “cool” and barely chatted with me after that.
About 7 years later, he was my student in a lab class I was teaching as a TA. Our past was never mentioned and we were extremely professional and acted like strangers. But every day I entered that classroom, I lived through my high school shame and regret. Well... last week I take my kid to the park... and who’s there with his kids??? He is. Damn... can’t escape this shit... we totally ignored each other while our kids played on the same set of slides. I’ve seriously been dying of shame and embarrassment this past week. Why don’t the universe let me live down this mistake ????

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