Daniel · 11 answers · 4y

Would you rather have 50 million dollars or have 100% complete knowledge about physics?

I'm not sure it's possible to have 100% complete knowledge about physics. The laws of physics we know are ultimately observed patterns; we don't know where they come from, why they exist, whether they can change over time, whether there could be endless metaphysical layers behind various exceptions, exceptions to exceptions, etc. The "laws" of physics could be inseparable from and hence just as complex as the information of the universe itself, or it could be a continually unfolding story created by consciousness itself, etc.

Even if I could have complete knowledge of physics (or an extreme amount of knowledge of it, or an extreme amount of knowledge of it at the current time; "Truth is a moving target"), I wouldn't be able to do anything with it. I couldn't share it with the world because people are too dumb and corrupt and they'd just use it for bigger weapons and more quickly converting the natural environment into material resources and destroying it.

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