Chris CM. Martinez · 6 answers · 3y

You're in a horrible car crash. While in purgatory u are told that the only way for u to enter heaven is to possess Trump. U have 1 week to turn him into a nice person and get the country to love him or ur going to hell. What will be some of ur tactics? 😄

I'd feel uneasy about redeeming Trump, because after I'm done possessing him he'd presumably go back to his old self and then he'd be in an even greater position to screw America because everyone loves him. Maybe I would have even won him the election. But on the other hand, if it makes me go to heaven then perhaps I should have faith that it would be a good thing in the greater scheme of things. Also if heaven is eternal then my going to heaven would be more important than whatever negative things temporarily happen to planet Earth.. though I don't really think anything is eternal except life/existence itself.

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