Penelope · 9 answers · 3y

An app (DeepScore) claims that it can tell if a person is trustworthy by using facial and voice recognition. Would you use it? Would you trust it?

No, I wouldn't trust it. It's too unnatural. I'd rather rely on my own perceptivity to determine anything about a person based on their face and voice, even if I'm not very good at it. Also (a) I wouldn't know how accurate the app is, and (b) I'd hate for some people to be unjustly blackballed due to the app incorrectly categorizing them, and I'm sure that would happen to some degree of frequency. I hate when people are blindly shut down by algorithms. Even if a person studied the theory and determined themselves when someone is trustworthy, models are rigid things while reality is open-ended and full of exceptions, at least in some areas such as bodily expression, so I'd hate even that. Also because it would be replacing their natural perception of people with something mechanical and insect-like.

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