Pandy · 11 answers · 3y

The world is ending in 30 days and it is (somehow) your responsibility to decide which 10,000 people will be put on a spaceship to safely take people to a new world. Who would you select? What would be your selection criteria? Would you be in the 10,000?

Remove all Republicans (I'd have to do some research and figure out what parties to remove in other countries), remove all religious people, remove all meat eaters, remove all physicalists, remove all people who don't donate to some charity (who are above a certain age), remove all gun owners, remove all SUV drivers, remove all ugly people and all people with genetic diseases, think about more categories of people to remove and maybe omit some categories as necessary, include all relatives and a bunch of other people I know. I'd be in the 10,000 even though I probably wouldn't satisfy my own selection criteria. The selection criteria are just a really crude way of sifting from billions of people without knowing each one personally, so they're not perfect, but I do know myself personally. Also my family would be really sad if I didn't come.

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