Daniel · 6 answers · 2y

What do you think about what he says?

I think corporations are, by and large, more evil than the government. Corporations by design are driven by only one thing: profit. They'll do anything they can, regardless of ethics, morality or decency (and sometimes regardless of the saw), to maximize their bottom line. That's not true for the government. Yes, the government has corruption, but corruption in government is just the degree to which it's aimed at maximizing profit for politicians, while for corporations the degree at which they aim to maximize profits is already at 100% by definition. Also, the only reason government is corrupt is because corporations corrupt it with monetary incentives, so it's what Sean said.

As for the government's competence at running businesses, assuming Elon is right that the government is bad at it, that could ideally be increased by the establishment of a new agency with the sole purpose of generating products and services, with the necessary business education, etc. for its employees, in the case where we choose to adopt democratic socialism or some degree of it..

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