Pandy · 9 answers · 2y

Agree or Disagree - Which side are you on: The world would be a better place if all men had a reversible vasectomy at childhood until they can prove that they are a suitable husband/partner and an upstanding member of society?

Definitely disagree, for a few reasons. 1. it's sexist and unfair, why shouldn't women have some form of mandatory birth control too until they can prove the same? plenty of mothers are shitty to their kids. 2. it shouldn't depend so much on whether they're a good husband/partner but on whether they'd be a good father. and even then, there's nothing necessarily wrong with single women raising children. 3. 'upstanding'? according to society's standards? that's very judgmental and full of cultural artifact. for example, being too introverted to be social, not having a decent-paying job, having very unpopular opinions, etc. could all make you not an 'upstanding' person but don't necessarily imply a bad character. 4. either way the whole idea is just authoritarian. 5. it's necessarily extremely subjective to judge who's 'upstanding' or a 'suitable' husband/partner, so there's gonna be a lot of unfairness, 6. if you're going to practice eugenics at least do it right. don't give anyone the right to procreate unless they meet certain genetic qualifications, for example, no genetic weaknesses or diseases, an iq of at least 120, a pretty face, little body hair, etc. etc.

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