Arman · 9 answers · 2y

The Supreme Court of the US has overturned Roe v. Wade, ending 50 years of federal abortion rights. Thoughts?

I'm indifferent about the issue of abortion itself: on one hand, it's not necessarily a woman's body she's modifying, but another human's body within her that she's killing, and a person currently within the role of the mother archetype reaching in and snuffing out her own unborn child is sick. But on the other hand, humans suffer more than they are happy in general, so the person being aborted is probably lucky (and yes, obviously unwanted babies to teens, poor families, drug addicts, etc. are probably going to have even harder lives). But, I do hope that this kick in the face to the majority of the population will backfire for the Republicans, perhaps by causing a whole lot of people to vote Democrat in the future.

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