Daniel · 13 answers · 4mo

What is something that you have changed your mind about?

I don't change my mind much. The only things that come to mind are
- I was raised a Christian, I was a hardcore believer, then eventually I apostatized
- I was a Republican when I was younger, I believed the government should be as small as possible, then I changed to Democrat
- After apostatizing from Christianity, I was unsure about whether there's a God for many years, now I'm more sure
- I used to believe more strongly in an afterlife (separately from the whole Christian thing), now I'm not as sure
- I used to think the Heaven's Gate cult was clearly insane, now I think, WTF do I know? For all I know, maybe reality really does work that way; maybe they hitched a ride on that comet and went to a better place. Maybe their leader was a truly wise man who gained such a devout following by demonstrating his wisdom.

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