Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

the f00fy one · 21 answers · 9mo

Do your friends rely on you for tech support, or are you usually the one who needs tech support?

Not my friends, but my family. My parents go to me for their computer troubles, and I think my sisters and nieces probably did too when they lived here. And my cousin once asked me to hack her daughter's phone to find out where she was when she'd run away, but I'm not a hacker, and it probably wasn't possible anyway. And more importantly, I'd rather the daughter have her freedom anyway. IMCO, when kids run away, it's always because they have bad parents. One time a friend did ask me for tech support, kinda--he couldn't figure out how to do something in his program for his job, he said he'd give me $200 if I solved it for him, and I did. But I never got the $200 :/ He said the $200 he'd "earmarked" for that was taken by the domain names he'd been paying for for me that he'd forgotten to cancel. A couple of weeks or months later he said he dreamed that I bumped into his car with my car, so I owed him $200. I said that he already owed me $200, so it cancels out. =P

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