Kate Matsuda · 11 answers · 25d

Have a flat tire on my bicycle so I took the bus. Sat down and instantly felt the warmth of the person sitting there before. Stood up and took the seat nearby. Why ? You?

I have a strong suspicion that heat/temperature isn't just the linear value that scientists treat it as and that we hence tend to think of it as, that is, that heat actually has information in it beyond just a bunch of meaningless/random chaos. This seems to be evidenced by the fact that hot water actually freezes faster than cooler water. Also, I seem to sense different energies in different sources of heat and cold. For example, air that's hot from the sun doesn't make me drowsy like air that's hot from a heater does. And air that's cold from air conditioning seems "sickly" in some way, unlike air that's naturally cold. I also suspect that heat transference is the medium for a lot of psychic apprehension of others...empathy and telepathy. So, sitting on a seat left warm from another might actually be a very intimate experience, and we may not want to be that intimate with strangers...

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