Kate Matsuda · 11 answers · 12d

Have a flat tire on my bicycle so I took the bus. Sat down and instantly felt the warmth of the person sitting there before. Stood up and took the seat nearby. Why ? You?

The only thing worse than this is the public toilet - I sit on that thing and it's still warm from the last person and I just die a little inside, at least on the bus you have your butt covered (I think, who knows what you're up to though 😛 )

I know this sensory thing. The seat feels used and not fresh even though it is used all the time. It feels strange but I would stay seated if there is no other seat available because I know that this feeling will go away.

I don’t like that. It feels like I’m getting a fart transplant. It’s icky.

I got on a bus once and sat on half a set of false teeth - I couldn't tell if they were the bottom set or the top set. Either way you'd think the owner might've noticed half their teeth were missing!

I'd be more alarmed if there was any dampness on the seat from the person before.

My cat often sleeps on my chair so when I need to use it it's already warm. I find it a benefit.

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