ㅤㅤ𒈔᭢᜴꤬ 𝔸pollo. ͜ ◞ㅤㅤ⠀ · 12 answers · 12d

 𐙚   ꒰ qotd
  ‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙𖢅ིྀུ°̩̥ whats your favorite song, and favorite line/lyric of it? Or the meaning of it.

I don't know what my favorite song is, there's a few I could choose from. I'll say, this time, Suzanne Vega - Penitent - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9jPDq8jarY

I love a lot of the lyrics from this song, but the first part that comes to mind is:

I look for you in heathered moor
The desert, and the ocean floor
How low does one heart go

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