Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Parker⠀⠀。ᴗ ᴗ ) · 15 answers · 9mo

⊂⠀⠀qotd ¹⁰⠀⠀⌢⌢⠀⠀ ₅ ₄ ₂₄
⠀𓎟𓎟⠀⠀⠀❛ Would you rather have a conversation with your past self or your future self? Which one, and why? ❜

I'd rather have a conversation with my past self because then I could tell myself to take advantage of certain opportunities that I was too afraid to act on and that I would never get again. And my future self doesn't need to have a conversation with me because he can simply remember.

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