Parker⠀★⠀Cal · 22 answers · 2mo

⊂⠀⠀qotd ¹⁰⠀⠀⌢⌢⠀⠀ ₅ ₄ ₂₄
⠀𓎟𓎟⠀⠀⠀❛ Would you rather have a conversation with your past self or your future self? Which one, and why? ❜

Umm future self. I’m sure he would talk ab how he feels no different and then I would have the peace of mind that nothing will change. Or he’ll say he does feel very different and I’ll have the peace of mind knowing change will come. Somehow, both stress me out and calm me at the same time… I’m a bit doomed methinks.

Past self. I’d love to tell past me how some things faired out… But, I think given the chance I’d choose the future. Since, I think future me would want to talk to current me, as i’d be their past self. Two wishes fulfilled in one, then.

Future.. because if I talk to my past self I'll fuck up my whole life and be lonely forever

If I talked to my past self, I would therefore have memories of talking to my future self, so it doesn't really matter which one I pick. I'd love for someone who looks just like me but with an inexplicably worse fashion sense to randomly appear and say "HEY! I'M YOU FROM THE FUTURE!" just as much as I'd love to do that to my past self.

I'd rather have a conversation with my past self because then I could tell myself to take advantage of certain opportunities that I was too afraid to act on and that I would never get again. And my future self doesn't need to have a conversation with me because he can simply remember.

⠀*⠀ I guess My Future self, I have absolutely no Idea how I'd end up so I guess that's why.

Future self because I wanna know if I'm gonna be fine :] if ill be better than now :] also to see if my gender dreams come true (<- so desperately wants to look like one of those fantasy dwarves with bushy beards)

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