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saturn · 7 answers · 6mo

are you sensitive? what does that word mean to?

To me, the word sensitive has two different meanings determinable by context. One is that the person is highly emotionally affected by things, especially things like insults, anger and other forms of negativity directed at them. The other is related, it's about being affected emotionally but not in the sense of being weak, it's more about the ability to emotionally relate and accommodate and such. If a guy says he's "sensitive," or a woman says she wants a "sensitive" guy, they're probably talkin about the latter meaning. By default/normally, though, I take "sensitive" to mean the first thing. Personally, I'm waaaaaay too sensitive. So much so that I can't even function. A friend of mine once compared me to a deer in the headlights and said I'm "one in millions."

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