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inhahe · 8 answers · 5mo

I can't answer Sleet's question so I'll post it and answer it myself:

do u guys have a favourite timbit. if ur not canadian umm. um. umm. do u have a favourite.. donut. [...]

I answered this on Twitter just an hour ago:

Good Intentionsđź–¤

What is your favorite donut?

Mine is plain cake....judge away. But I love them


I like really soft and chewy glazed donuts, like plain Krispy Kreme glazed. Or maple. Strawberry glazed is good too. And I kind of like French Crullers. And apple fritters are pretty good, but I guess those aren't technically donuts. I can't stand any kind of filled donut.

And I'm not that thrilled with cake donuts, though the blueberry ones aren't bad. I just bought a pack of pumpkin spice cake donuts the other day and didn't like them at all. I only ate a half of one.

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