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inhahe · 8 answers · 5mo

I can't answer Sleet's question so I'll post it and answer it myself:

do u guys have a favourite timbit. if ur not canadian umm. um. umm. do u have a favourite.. donut. [...]

Here, we call them munchkins. I don't know if I have a favorite one. I like chocolate, glazed and jelly. I don't know if I have a favorite donut. I like ones with frosting and sprinkles. I love French crullers. They're so good. I couldn't reply under Arthur's answer because he blocked me so I'll write what I was going to say here. There's nothing wrong with reposting people's questions if they blocked you. I repost questions I want to answer from people who blocked me or who I don't want to interact whenever I want. If I want to answer a question, I will.

haha, I had to lookup what timbits are. They do not look like donuts nor are they made that way. There is a German sweet that looks similar but doesn't fit in size. Cannot answer this too. :-)

I had my Tim Horton's joke all ready and then I realized it wouldn't really work because they were the ones who sell timbits in the first place, unfortunate...anyway I'll go with the Boston cream, if one of those explodes when you bite, it's much easier to deal with than jelly

not canadian, never been to timmy hoho's. i know what a timbit is, but since I've never had one, my favorite donuts are maple glazed! crullers are really good too tho x3

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