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Pandy · 6 answers · 4d

On a scale from 1 to 10 (one being passionately disagree, ten being passionately agree), how do you feeling about the statement: 'Kindness comes back to you'

I'm not really sure. But I do know that if it's more than about, say, 20% true, it has to be the result of a mystical force like karma, the threefold law, or the law of attraction. And I think there are plenty of people who are genuinely kind people who consistently suffer at the hands of others, often because they're good people. And if it's that way for them now, it probably will continue to be that way for them. If there is a significant degree to which kindness comes back to you, it probably doesn't happen within the current lifetime. But then, why would it be any likely to happen later?

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