Daniel · 13 answers · 4y

Tell me how i can waste my time and never be happy!

You've probably come to the right person, haha.

Actually I guess the only way to waste your time is never to interact with other people. Or.. never to interact with other people and open up so that you can be appreciated for who you are and accept that love and experience the communion. And never to have fun..

And relatedly, never be in mutual love because you're too shy to ask a girl out. Though I think you can have a meaningful life without a romantic relationship. Just without the topping on the cake.

And also never accomplish or produce anything out of perfectionism thinking you can never do it well enough. Though I don't think you really have to accomplish or produce anything to have a good life, that's just a cultural supposition.

I guess it all comes down to: Never truly express yourself.

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