Sean ⚡🤖 · 9 answers · 4y

Have you ever lied/withheld something from someone close (say, to protect them) they never found out, and the dishonesty was worth it for you in the end? No regrets, you'd do it again and all? I just wonder how often (if ever) it works out that way...

I know this example will sound horrible/unwise, but here it is.

I've had girlfriends without having the capacity to love. I never told any of them that I couldn't love them because I couldn't feel emotions. For two of them perhaps I should have and was just too much of a wuss, but for one of them our whole relationship was basically fine and I would have broken her heart to tell her, and even though I had a hard time feeling emotions and love I wanted to keep her as a girlfriend. We eventually separated for other reasons, and I like the way it worked out. I'm glad I never told her. =P

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