Sean ⚡🤖

Retrospring 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Kate Matsuda · 6 answers · 4d

Do you like fish as food? Or scallops, octopus and the like?

Yep I do like fish, I'll also eat crab or shrimp or lobster or whatnot, I like some eel in my maki rolls, the only squid I eat is calamari, oh raw oysters are the bane of my existence

Shannon. · 7 answers · 1d

What's the best treatment for a infected abscess?

I got no home remedies for you if that's what you're looking for, antibiotics might be the way to go, and if you're left with a 'hole' where the infection wound was, they will probably wanna pack that in with gauze or something for a while until healthy tissue can grow back, guess that depends on where it is, too

Shannon. · 7 answers · 2d

How long can you get a sick note for?

I don't think there was a definite limit? I mean when I had an employer and needed less than 6 months to recover it would be short-term disability, after that it's long-term disability...but as long as there's a doctor willing to say you are unable there was no fixed period... but that can vary wildly here in America, where companies can do whatever they damn well please, up to and including putting your organs up for sale on an Etsy page (probably)

Arthur · 7 answers · 2d

Researchers have confirmed the presence of cocaine in sharks off the coast of Rio de Janeiro. Thoughts?

Hm, I figured sharks would be more into meth ... ok ok for real though I bet so much coke has fallen/thrown overboard that it's getting into the we know if it's only sharks?

Kate Matsuda · 2 answers · 4d

Rage bait: The agenda 2025 of the US Republicans is a good read. The number of atrocities and proposed crimes against human rights surpasses the imaginable.

it's all the same stuff they have wanted to do for decades - they now realize that they don't have to bother hiding anymore it because their 'opposition' consists of feckless losers

Pandy · 6 answers · 6d

Have you ever been cheated on?

Not that I'm aware of, but the way I choose partners and the way I break up too early rather than too late probably cuts a lot of that off

Kate Matsuda · 6 answers · 4d

When somebody uses this argument:"But you groomed Kermit the frog!" - May I poison their tea?

Shannon. · 5 answers · 3d

When you go on holiday or travelling do you budget or do you let loose and worry about it when you get back home?

I budget but not tightly, like if I say I'm going to spend 500 at the restaurant or whatever, I'm not going to trip about spending 6 or 700 if I'm never going to have another chance to have Wolfgang Puck fling foie gras at me or whatever

Kate Matsuda · 7 answers · 4d

Do you do online-dating? How much does it cost?

nah personally I'm out on it - everybody pulls out their little checklist and deletes anybody who doesn't check all the boxes, that is a good way to end up forever alone - just get in a room with somebody and let the chemistry commence (or not, it happens)

there are free sites and there are professional 'matchmakers' who will charge hundreds if not thousands of dollars...hey it's their money, whatever - and everything in between

Arthur · 8 answers · 2d

I learned another feminist term at work today. What's your opinion on "manspreading" and why is it so annoying? 🙄

I think it's a matter of degree, like on an airplane or train or whatever I can certainly understand needing a little space for the boys to breathe and not be pinched and all, but some dudes will like aggressively have their legs at a 145 degree angle just because and that is kind of a dick move

LaDamaX · 5 answers · 2d

Who or what do you miss?

My ex-girlfriend's dad, passed a few years back and having him around was the closest thing I ever had to family, really could have used some of his wisdom and company instead of being left to my dumbassery

a really good friend who stopped talking to me, without these two people I feel lost and empty and it doesn't feel like I'm ever going to be the same

Arthur · 5 answers · 2d

How much would you charge to be my bodyguard?

brah if I got a decent roof over my head and access to deep fried food I will see to your safety up until my cardiac episode

Arthur · 6 answers · 2d

So my boss decided to take some photos of my beautiful being and then told me she was going to send it to her daughter, who's going to start studying at my uni in September. (She's also rich and not used to public transport and walking alone). What should I do?

uh oh, fix up in progress!! I'd go ahead and meet them and be nice and even hang out or something if you want, it doesn't have to be anything but friendship if that's what it is, she's probably gonna do that three-syllable 'Mo-ooooh-om !!!! ' when she realizes she's being set up anyway

LaDamaX · 8 answers · 2d

What is difficult for you to say?

whoo I just had a good one - that I was attracted and interested in somebody but I had questions about long term compatibility with her and after listening to what she's looking for it sounds like I'm not the one

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