MistyRiver · 10 answers · 4y

Do you think it's customary/polite for men to put toilet seats down in homes also occupied by women? My brother thinks it's a double-standard that women don't put the seat up for men in kind, so he boycotted putting the seat down 😂

I agree with your brother, I think the whole toilet seat drama is making a mountain out of a molehill in order to control men. Girls act like it's rude not to leave the toilet seat down for them, when they can easily put it down themselves and it's no big deal, while meanwhile nobody's complaining that girls don't leave them up for guys.

The other thing that bothers me about the toilet seat thing is that so many women fall into this pattern of complaining about the toilet seat and raising petty drama, without even thinking about it, just because so many other women do it. It exemplifies an extreme tendency toward mindless groupthink in humans that really bothers me.

Of course, to even have a use/context for the whole toilet seat drama, a woman has to have certain aspects of her personality and her dynamic with her bf/husband in a certain way, and it's dismaying that so many people have cookie-cutter personalities and approaches to life.

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