Alice 💋 · 8 answers · 4y

Which of these philosophies do you identify with the most:

Definitely not the Sith, they cause too much destruction, oppression and suffering. Not the Greys, because I think the idea of a balance between good and evil is cartoony and ridiculous and would only exist in a world where evil is rife. And not the Jedi because they don't believe in emotion or passion (in this gif). It's too hard to choose between Grey and Jedi. Allow evil to exist, which causes untold suffering, or do away with emotion and passion?

I think the gif is poorly worded, e.g. "there is no ignorance", I can see the Jedi being against ignorance but why would they not believe in its existence? And I'm not a Star Wars expert, but I think it probably captures the philosophy of the Jedi pretty poorly.

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