Wasserpistole · 5 answers · 5y

Can we say that the only thing evil people want is to destroy everything that is good?

No, evil people want what they think is best for them at the cost of others. It's not destruction for destruction's sake, it's selfism. But then, selfishness is what I call evil. But I don't think hardly any of the people that society brands as 'evil' actually are just out to destroy everything good. That's a mythical, black-or-white notion of evil and it should be replaced by understanding.
For example, Hitler didn't just want to destroy everything good, he wanted to do what he believed was best for his country (or possibly the world). A serial killer doesn't kill because he wants to destroy good things, he has some more specific motive in mind. Take, for example, a serial killer who only kills women. If he just wanted to destroy good things then he would kill women and men equally.

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