Wasserpistole · 9 answers · 5y

What is your opinion on makeup, about the role it plays in our society?

Hate it. Only an immature soul is content with focusing on appearances over reality. So the proliferation of makeup in society must mean that I'm stuck on a planet of immature souls.. which explains a lot, of course.

I'm not sure what "role" makeup plays in society other than that, since so many people use it, it's become expected of people in order to be presentable, which sucks ass. It also means men fall in love with women's false appearances.. there must be plenty of relationships where the man doesn't actually like the way his girlfriend/wife actually looks. And this probably helps people genetically drift into being more and more ugly by partially taking sexual selection out of the picture. Or maybe not, it seems that fugly people have no shortage of sex, they just get together with ugly fugly people. =P

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