inhahe · 6 answers · 5y

Did learning programming lessen your ability to feel emotions?

Depends on the programming language, actually.

Tough I strongly remember SystemC leaving me dead inside for a few days after a real nasty problem.


Always with this: "Have I learned programming?" Sometime I think so (?!?)

I don't think it affects it at all or not that much, marginally?

More analytical people are drawn to programming and/or people with that mindset are probably better at it.
i.e. Those with 'less emotion' learn programming(?)

For me it happened as I got older, that's a lot of people though(?)

xxd -b /dev/urandom | cut -d ' ' -f 2-8 | tr -d ' \n'

perl -e 'print int rand 2 while 1'

These days I feel things, for some reason. Maybe I need to retake the class or something, ya dig!

No, I can still experience the despair of debugging and recompiling that code you thought was right this time :-(

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