Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

hi zoe! when i was wondering about ep content i suddently remembered something i saw in a fanfic which went:“akechi turned into a persona(aka.loki)and joined joker after he died in the engine room”
and i was like wait this is a great idea!what do you think would happen if akechi got arsene(who got ren‘s memory and most of his personality)as one of his personas right after his death?
or if it's not arsene but really a ren’s ghost hovering there but only he can see him?

ghosts are a thing in the persona universe so it would probably bring up so many questions for goro, like why his mom didnt linger, if ren can see his mom, but i also think it's sort of sad that his only friend and loved one is still someone he can't fully be with ;3; i dunno its a little sad ;3;

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