Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Ng+ Sojiro thoughts at 3am
Telling Ren to stay outta trouble, doing his whole "I use to be a real lady killer back in the day, wheeew boy. Girls always wanted my number-" Pauses, remembers his son has a thing for That Detective Kid. "And the fellas. Cant say it was my thing, but it was flattering all the same."
Nailed it, now his gay(?) son will feel loved and supported. Bluff achieved. +1 Dad point.

kjdhskfdjsff Oh my god, this is so relevant to next chapter u have no idea <3 <3 also sorry I've been so MIA I'v.e had aloot going on the last month and a half <3 but this makes me very happy

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