Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 2y

How does Anders feel about modern technology? There must have been some kind of shock at first since he hails from the 1300s.

It is an interesting topic. Technically speaking, Anders never lost a single year after he died. He would roam around the world as a ghost since ever. He "lived" and explored the world and its technologic progress throughout the years. The only problem here is that he can't interact with it, just see it.
I will make you an example: hoverboards. Anders has seen the how a normal plank of wood with wheels would turn into an AIR-fueled, lightweight plank of steel and special fabbric. If he was tangible, then he would sure try one of those in no time, because he's a curious guy and loves to study new things. How Anders feels about new technology? He likes it and wished that there would've have been this type of technology in his past, especially medicines, electricity and GPS.

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