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Anonymous Coward · 2y

How does Anders feel about modern technology? There must have been some kind of shock at first since he hails from the 1300s.

Subterror · 3 answers · 2y

What is the most advanced form of technology in your AU? Has someone in your AU managed to make a working teleporter? Or maybe synthesize clones? Or are nuclear powered everyday objects a thing?

Well because CWAU is mostly based on Sonic Riders, so we are already in a futuristic setting. I believe technology is extremely advanced despite being the year 2013 in this universe.
Teleporters exist, but they are still private technology to military forces.
Every object is powered by electricity or AIR, depending on the device we are talking about. Flying vehicles and hoverboards use AIR instead of fuel, but it's a rich people exclusive. Meanwhile mid and low class people use electric non-flying vehicles to move around.

Subterror · 3 answers · 2y

Christmas is on the unfortunate early rise as usual, how are your OC's prepping for the holiday?

Subterror · 3 answers · 2y

With the advent of Frontiers, from what you have seen or played so far, how much has it/will it change the lore in your au, if at all.

CW Sonic will get some pretty cool moves. That's all. (I still didn't finish the game tho).

Subterror · 3 answers · 2y

Within the world your OC's live in, what is the universally known horror story to them?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

World building question : when it comes to the world events, except those of the games, to what extent does it ressemble the modern era ?
( politics, conflicts, tech since 1900, on a general point of view )

Except technology and politics, the rest of CWAU it is almost similiar to our world. For example: the evolution of pop culture is 100% the same as ours, WW1 and WW2 happened in my AU as well, only in a different time period and with BBA being the "n@zis" counterpart.
Technology is far more advanced than ours (as you can see there are flying hoverboards and flying cars that use air and oxygen as fuel in 2013), but other type of devices were as advanced as ours back then.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Okay, when it comes to cooking, in which section would you put each of your characters ? :
- Chef
- good cook
- average
- “at least I tried”
- can’t cook for sh*t

CW Jet: Good cook
CW Wave: Can't cook for shit
CW Storm: Chef
CW Sonic: Average
CW Surge: Can't cook for shit
CW Kit: Can't cook for shit
Magalie: "at least I tried"
Diana: Good cook
Autumn: Good cook
Allen: Can't cook for shit
Tempest: Good cook
Quiet: Chef
Yves: Average
Anders: Average

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Say, when it comes to Storm and Quiet, what’s their story ? Family-wise I mean ? I kind of lost the thread over the new versions these last few months…

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Does the Sol Dimension and its residents play any part in your AU given that Babylonians managed to venture there at some point in time?

To keep things simple I decided to not touch that part for my AU.
So no Sol Dimension, no Blaze or her subjects and so on...

Anonymous Coward · 2y

If Kukku finally got into custody from the GUN, what would be his BIG punishment after all those very bad things he did?

I'm not sure what GUN would do if they were the ones to end BBA's terror, but I think Kukku XV would probably get the capital punishment.

Subterror · 3 answers · 2y

Going off my last question, which character in your AU, official or otherwise, best exemplifies that theme or concept?

CW Wave.
She turned that violent only to protect her team and family from the BBA or any other menace they will encounter.

Subterror · 3 answers · 2y

If you had to narrow your entire AU down to one theme or concept, what would it be? For example, consequences, loss, hope, cyclic revenge etc

Anonymous Coward · 2y

When it comes to animals, what do your characters prefer ? Or are they neutral to them ? ( I know Wave loves Engine, so I’m a little curious )

Except CW Wave, I never thought what others love as pet. I just know Magalie wouldn't be someone who would own one, but she let Wave have the turtle only if she could show that she can take care of it.

Subterror · 3 answers · 2y

Who of your OC's most likely has heartburn

... What the.
Huuuh, I guess Allen because she eats everything except healthy food. Lol

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Did the CW rogues managed to rescue Mag and her employees and defeated or kill T-001?

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