Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Alex Rosewood. · 7 answers · 3mo

Mind telling me your first vs current impression of Alex / @devolids? 🤍

First : wih cool banget nih orang, current : kebalikan nya but you are such a funny & gentle person.

We aren’t really talk too much honestly, but my first impression toward you, hard to approach. But you are an actual ball of joy, yapper!!, and cute at some point. Hope we could talk to each other more often! 🐾

Umm, I'm not sure. So far the impression might still be the same. You seem very active and talk a lot on the timeline, but I don't know too much. We need to interact more, Alex! 😉

First impression: wargh ganteng banget damn dude....
Current impression: owh cuma pantat full of kentut.

First-nya: Ih, ini orang he/him betul? Tapi kayak catboy. Current: CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT.

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