RhymewithRay · 20 answers · 2y

How does your oc feel about their parents?

Niko loves his parents; while they were harsh, they were good people. They even gave him Bon as his first Pokemon and trusted in Niko to try and make his dream of becoming a skilled trainer a reality instead of following them and becoming a carpenter. He misses his parents too; the trip from Johto to Arcadia/Taygia means he can't see any of his family, close or extended, and it does weigh on him a good deal.

Rayze hates his parents with absolute vitriol; he's glad his mom is dead and hope's his dad is, too. :) Doesn't ever want to picture their faces again.

Wade likes his parents and calls them frequently when he isn't out in the field! He often sends them snacks/treats/souvenirs from Arcadia over to Hoenn so that they can enjoy a taste of his new home too!

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