RhymewithRay · 20 answers · 1y

How does your oc feel about their parents?

Gonna use Nat for this

But she loves her mother very much. She watched her do a lot of things that parents would normally do just to make sure she had the best things growing up. Nat has a lot of respect for her mother and how she managed to keep them afloat even without her father being around (Nat doesn't know who he is nor does she care to)

Even now her mom still tries to take care of Nat

Gael's parents died when he was a teenager, but when they were alive he loved them a lot! They were supportive of his dream of being a teacher and moving off the ranch, and he helped them out a lot around the ranch to make their lives a little bit easier (which meant he had a lot of useful skills when he had to raise his sister after they died).

Now he visits their graves every couple of weeks, and even grows his own flowers to lay on their graves. He misses them a lot, and he tries his best to make them proud, even when they're gone.

Cecil's father passed away before he was born!
As for his mother? SUPREME Mommy issues between being abandoned by her after Marias death, having insane expectations of him and the training from hell he received when he was younger. The final straw was her complete absence while we was in hospital for a year recovering from him crash

Claris has no memories of her Mother(as she died giving birth to her). Her father however was mostly indifference due to the former neglecting her most of her life, this indifference turned into hatred however due to her Caretaker dying.

Norra looks back on her memories of them fondly, and takes extra effort when she goes to visit their house in Sinnoh to make sure everything is clean and ready for when (/if) they return. Having that sense of doubt for a brief moment before snapping herself out of it and moving on.

Jasmine: They have an avreage relationship with her but after they gave up on Jasmine's brother their realtionship got worse, so there's always tension when they meetup to eat

Andres: His parents die on an accident when he was younger so he actually lived most of his life with his grampa, he really looked up to his grampa though and currently feels that his gramps would be a bit dissapointed on him

Polly: Her mom is the Geistbeck Elitism she hates personified, her dad is a good guy and supportive, but kinda spineless.

Sivrit: His dad is high chief of their city, and just about the only one of the cities elder's he respects, the rest he sees as hiding behind their status. His mom is the only person that can calm him down (and also who he got his temper from).


Phillip: Resents that his dad never supported him racing F1, but he was supportive on just about everything else. His mom is the peacemaker and they'll both swallow their prides and stop fighting in an INSTANT if they're upsetting her.

Odd never really knew either of his birth parents, but he adored his adoptive father, Jeri. He thinks of the man as his hero, his teacher, and perhaps his best friend.

(... Which kind of exacerbates the fact that Odd views Jeri died under circumstances that were "Odd's fault", and he learned that through some matter-shennanigans with Giratina, Jeri essential gave up his own life to save Odd's, which in the present leaves him in a constant tug of war between "I'm selfish to live after what happened with dad" and "I shouldn't squander the sacrifice he made for me")

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