Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

 𓏹 ℙ𝖆𝑟ᶦ𝕒ₕ 𓏲ེ · 7 answers · 10mo

 𓊆 𝗤𝗢𝗧𝗗; 𝟘𝟜.𝟙𝟡 𓊇 Here's a pretty simple question: Favorite fake game? As in, games that don't exist but the concept of them does, E.G. Polybius, The "Original" Persona 5, Duck World, games mentioned in Creepypastas (Like BEN Drowned), Petscop, etc.
 𓊆 𝗦𝗢𝗧𝗗; 𝟘𝟜.𝟙𝟡 𓊇 Please Be Patient I Have Autism, EDGEMASTER42

WAIT i just remembered this question. Teeny Toys Exploration is such a good and underrated fake game series!! It focuses on exploring a childhood that was forgotten through a video game:) Ahh I love it so much it's so well made and doesn't rely on cheap analog horror type of jumpscares

Hm... I don't know many games like this, so perhaps Petscop. And if it counts, Crow64. Those are all I know of...

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