NAMIRA · 7 answers · 2mo

So, how was your Tuesday?

ITS ALREADY SUNDAY HAHAHAHAHA but it was a good and busy day (i lie, i cant remember. Gomen)

Ah, maaf baru bales. Selasa kemarin lumayan bikin saya capek, sih. Makanya kebanyakan tidur > makan > tidur > makan terus.

minyaaa (it's late sowwy) got loads of work but my tuesday went well! hope yours went smoothly <3

Nyamii, I just opened my Retrospring again and it's Thursday already. Hari sebelumnya baik baik aja kok, thank you for asking. 🥺 And how was yours?

hari ini full ngantuk karena tumben matkul hari ini tdk terlalu menarik buatku hoam 😴😴😴 how about yours teteh?

so-so, i guess ... did some things here and there, went home late because it rained like craaazy. how was your day, kakak nyami? :3

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