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curiosity doesn’t kill the cat. ask away!


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Nic · 2d

Kalau ada kucing bisa bicara, menurutmu apa yang pertama kali bakal mereka katakan?

Jajang · 2d

Coba dah lu itung 1-100 nanti kalau udah kabarin biar gua bisa gak ngasih lu apa-apa

Jajang · 2d

Ritsuka kalau pake bahasa Ingris jadinya Ritlike bkn

Jajang · 2d

Kira-kira ninja kalau dia di Korea jadinya apa, Rit

Jajang · 2d

Rit lu tau gak kalau benda padat ternyata bukan benda cair

a curious cat · 17d

Pat-pat Rit-chan.

do you happen to be a mind reader of some kind because how did you know i needed some pats ... 🥺 thank youuuu, dearest anon. whoever and wherever you are, i hope you have a nice day! ❤️‍🩹

Eleanor Julie. · 2mo

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

i’ve always wanted to talk to animals, like doctor dolittle, so ... maybe that? honestly, nothing else comes to mind, HAHAHA. just imagine how cool it would be to talk to animals! i’d really love that :]

NAMIRA · 7 answers · 2mo

So, how was your Tuesday?

so-so, i guess ... did some things here and there, went home late because it rained like craaazy. how was your day, kakak nyami? :3

a curious cat · 2mo

Do you set your eyes on someone?

a curious cat · 3mo

if you could pick one out of Doraemon's pocket, what would you choose? ✨

can’t i have his entire pocket instead? HAHAHAHA. but probably the dokodemo door since it’d be highly convenient :3

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