š“† Ā· 12 answers Ā· 13d

Dearest ones! May I know how you cope with anxiety? Is there any advice on how to ease the feelings?

Good question! To cope with that, I'll try to find something that is fun and enough to make my mood go up from bottom to the top. For a example, watch an anime with comedy as its genre. If my mind defeat me, I'll just cry over it, delulu about a someone is comfort me and go to sleep. Even though it's not a good answer, do that things are works for me.^^

distraction and never solve the problem until it really in front of my eyes... don't ever try tho. you can do grounding techniques and solve your problem one by one!

For me, distraction is key ā€“ immersive myself in music, videos, games, or even conversations helps take my mind off things while I regain control. As time passes and my mind clears, I begin to reflect on the triggers and take small steps towards understanding and managing them better.

Mm, listening to music under a cozy blanket work wonders. Sometimes chatting with some or writing down my thoughts also helps ease the feelings! Hope this suggestions can somehow help you, dear!

actually, aku juga masih struggle banget sama ini. tapi kayanyaa harus di distraksi sebisa mungkin sama kegiatan apapun yang kita suka. setelahnya take a space dan pikirin ulang pelan pelan ssuatu yg kita cemasin dan cri solusinya

I manage my anxiety by acknowledging my triggers, exercise, talking to someone, hobbies, and music. Actually, anxiety is a natural and inevitable part of the human experience, but it is not something that can be eliminated entirely. Rather, it is something to be acknowledged, understood, and learned to navigate through, as it can lead to personal growth and understanding of oneself.

I often reach my friends if crying and cleaning my room couldn't help. It helps a lot to distract myself from drowning

Honestly I don't really know the answer, yet I just try to take a breathe first while listening to some lullabies and pull my journal. Writing things up helps me to know what I felt, knowing which one to focus n what to do!

be alone, take a breath. anxiety kadang bikin pusing sama mual, jadi gua bawa atur napas sekalian mejem biar ga mikir yang aneh-aneh

Ini masih pr tersendiri sih, soalnya sempet sesak napas dan kadang tiba tiba pandangan gelap dalam kondisi mata masih melek. Cuma bisa duduk sambil kembali penglihatanku. šŸ˜¬

Breathing exercise does help sometime. Or I just tend to distract it by doing something else to occupy my mind.

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