Wasserpistole · 9 answers · 3y

Is there a polite way to tell somebody very, very thin, to better gain weight? How would you do it, if it was a friends friend for example?

Why should I tell them to gain weight? Maybe it's their constitution. Or maybe they're going thru a health issue. Before recommending anyone about losing or gaining weight, you better know what's the real cause behind the problem.. People are completely wrong when they think it's all about food. It's not. It can also be genetics or any other issues/diseases. And many times it involves the mind. And its not that easy. Whenever someone makes a comment about someone else's weight...its not helping. Maybe it's making it worse. Those people have mirrors in their houses. And also most of them know they have an issue but it's not that easy to control and you telling them is not Gonna make it easier. Just saying

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